Lubbock Area
Square and Round Dance Federation

About Us
We are a non-profit whose goal is to prepare the next generation to learn square dancing in order to preserve an American traditional art form. We provide beginner, intermediate, and advance dance lessons and caller training. We also offer round, contra, line, and country/western dance.
If you would like to learn more about any of our dance forms, please contact us, or better yet, come out to watch a class or club dance free of charge. Our facility is family friendly. Anyone 12 years of age and up may learn to dance, and younger children are welcome to watch if they have supervision.
First Friday Art Trail 2023
Caller: Dennis Horn

Pancake Festival 2024
Caller: Ellen Spoon

LASRDF Officers 2024-2025
President & State Delegate
Charles Spoon 806-786-8589
Executive Vice Presidents
Jess & Vicki Ritcherson 806-831-6046
Vice President
Bob Rhoades 806-790-6533
Julia Soccio 806-786-0865
Teri Henderson 806-252-0521
Elected State Delegate
Ellen Spoon 806-786-7572
Appointed State Delegate
Vicki Ritcherson 806-836-2499
Callers and Cuer

Round Dance Cuer:
Renee Horton

Square Dance Callers:
Maurice Stephenson
Ellen Spoon
Dennis Horn

Contra Caller:
Francee Kneisley

Square Dance Callers-in-training:
Cari Collins
Charlie Whisner
Sherri Spychaj